About My Practice

Frequently Asked Questions about Coaching and Dr. Bollé’s Coaching Practice

Following is a list of some of the more frequently asked questions (FAQs) I’ve received about the coaching profession–as well as my coaching practice in particular–and my responses to those inquiries. 1. What is a life coach? A life coach is a professional who will inspire you to: In working with a life coach, you […]

About My Practice

Sample Coaching Session with Dr. Bollé

Listen to a sample coaching session, featuring Dr. Bollé (from In Focus interview, September 30, 2018). Here is a photo of the “pizza” to which the client refers in this sample coaching session:

About My Practice

In Focus Interview with Dr. Bollé

Listen to an interview with Dr. Bollé that took place on September 30, 2018. Here is a photo of the “pizza” to which the client refers in a sample coaching session that takes place during the interview: