About My Practice

Frequently Asked Questions about Coaching and Dr. Bollé’s Coaching Practice

Following is a list of some of the more frequently asked questions (FAQs) I’ve been asked about the Coaching profession, along with my responses to those questions.

1. What is a life coach?

A life coach is a professional who will inspire you to:

  • clarify what matters most to you in life;
  • design a life that aligns with your values; and
  • build a life that’s based on that design.

In working with a life coach, you will come to realize that you have choices, and when you begin to make choices that align with your values, amazing things start to happen.

If you’re interested in listening to an excerpt from an actual coaching session between Dr. Bollé and one of her clients, click here; To hear the interview within which the aforementioned coaching session took place, click here.

2. You’ve been a practicing psychologist for over a decade. What led to your decision to become a life coach?

As a clinical psychologist, I work within the medical model; as such, I focus on illnesses and ways in which those illnesses might be ameliorated. As a life coach, I work within a model that focuses on an individual’s strengths—for example, creativity or resourcefulness—and ways in which these strengths can be harnessed in order to achieve identified goals.

3. Does working with a psychotherapist preclude me from working with a life coach?

It’s not at all uncommon for an individual to be working with both a psychotherapist and a life coach at the same time. As a psychologist, I’ve worked with patients who were simultaneously working with life coaches; in fact, it was this experience that piqued my interest in life coaching as a profession, as I watched my patients “light up” in a way I’d never seen before when they started talking about the work that they were doing with their coach. Likewise, as a coach, I’ve worked with clients who were simultaneously working with psychotherapists, and witnessed their delight, as they began to realize their innate creativity and resourcefulness.

4. When and why would someone choose to work with a life coach?

While you may come to life coaching with a particular goal in mind, you might also seek the services of a life coach in order to improve the overall quality of your life by focusing on one or more of the following:

  • professional and/or personal growth;
  • relationship to money and finances;
  • physical health and emotional well-being;
  • relationships with colleagues, partners, family members, or friends; or
  • recreation and fun.

It’s worth noting that life coaching can be of benefit across one’s entire lifespan, from early to mid to late adulthood; as such, it’s never too soon, nor too late, to seek the services of a life coach.

5. Does health insurance cover the cost of life coaching?

While health insurance doesn’t typically cover the cost of life coaching, you may be able to pay for life coaching with funds from your health care reimbursement or flex spending account. Please consult your benefits administrator for details.

6. How much do life coaches charge for their services?

While life coaches are neither counselors nor consultants, their fees typically fall within the range of counseling or consulting services. As fees can vary widely, it’s important to ask about fees up front in order to avoid unanticipated costs.

7. Why would someone choose to work with you in particular?

Given my lifelong experience with a physical disability, I understand how challenging life can be. I have also come to understand that ingenuity and perseverance play major roles in achieving our goals, whatever they might be. Moreover, as a lifelong learner, I understand that life is a dynamic process, and that as we grow, both personally and professionally, our goals often evolve in ways that reflect this growth.

8. To whom do you offer your coaching services?

While I typically coach healthcare providers and individuals with physical disabilities and/or chronic medical conditions, I do not limit myself to these populations. If, for any reason, you are interested in working with me, I am happy to discuss your needs and explore ways in which I might meet those needs.

9. Where is your coaching practice located?

Many coaches, including myself, offer their coaching services via telephone; this eliminates the need for travel, while allowing you the flexibility to choose from which locale you’d like to be coached.

10. How can someone who’s interested in working with you learn more about your coaching practice?

Please visit my web site: