Work-Life Integration

Saying “Yes” and Saying “No”

Work-Life Integration

How to Live an Integrated Life

If the thought of working with a Co-Active Coach® conjures up images of being goaded into action, you’re not alone. While it’s true that there’s often a good deal of action that takes place within the context of coaching, sometimes that action consists of designing and building a life that integrates “doing” and “being.” Why […]

Attending to Our Bodies

Two Guidelines for Attaining a Healthy Body Weight

In his book Meditating to Attain a Healthy Body Weight, author Lawrence Leshan offers up two guidelines for attaining—and, I would add, maintaining—a healthy body weight. While the first of these two guidelines focuses on what—or, more precisely, what not—to eat, the second of these guidelines focuses on how to eat. While opinions vary on […]